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"Follow God’s Beautiful Story of Redemption for Your Life"

Mother’s Day - May 13/18 1Kings 8 Play AUDIO (32 kbps mp3)


•    redemption a ‘covenant of love’ – God won’t forsake His children
•    harried housewife would have welcomed assistance

1) The SOURCE of Redemption – Sacrifice

•    Christ redeemed us at cross so we might receive the Spirit’s blessing
•    dedication of temple marked by countless sacrifices: needed extra space!
•    David’s descendant on Israel’s throne: also points to “King of the Jews”
•    main focus of Ark of the Covenant not the stone tablets, but the lid: atonement cover
•    mothers’ sacrifices in homemaking significant

2) The SECURITY of Redemption: God faithfully keeps His Promises

•    All God’s promises are “yes” in Christ
•    Solomon celebrated that God fulfilled His promises to David
•    parents modeling faithfulness in tough times fosters sense of security in kids

3) The SHOCK of Redemption: AWED when God shows up

•    Peter’s response to Christ’s miraculous fish-catch: “Go away!”
•    acceptable worship of God: with reverence and awe
•    God’s glory a show-stopper - priests couldn’t carry on their tasks
•    thrust of salvation history is to show the greatness of God’s Name
•    parents need to impress upon kids life’s about more than just landing a good job
•    farmer-parents had international interests

4) The SORRINESS of Redemption: When we Pray sincerely with Transparent Hearts, God Hears and Forgives

•    reconciliation to brother/sister a priority over presenting offering
•    New Testament preaching: repent / return for times of refreshing
•    repetition of Solomon: when we sin, pray God to hear and forgive
•    have change of heart, confess wrongs, turn back, so hearts fully committed
•    how do our children catch glimpses of the genuineness of our piety?


•    Susanna Wesley ‘made space’ for time with God despite busy household
•    what threatens to dampen our relish for spiritual things?