“Loving Leader, Honoured Husband”

Sept.14, 2008  Psalm 45[1-11]   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Leader-trashing a Dangerous Group Sport

●    honouring parents / leaders essential for social stability (Ex 20:12)
●    too easy to mock leaders, rebel against proper authority

A Breathtaking Royal Groom and his Bride - in History

●    king at wedding praised for handsomeness, speech, victories (2f)
●    just judge dispensing righteous verdicts, defending needy (6f; 72:12ff)
●    appealing smells/surroundings, beautiful bride (8-13)

Jesus an Amazing Husband and His Adorable Bride

●    apostles recognized Jesus fulfilled requirements of Messianic Psalms
●    appearance striking at transfiguration and in Revelation (Mt 17:2; Rev 1:14)
●    gracious speech, powerful sword from mouth, radiant with God’s glory (Lk 4:22; Rev 1:16, 19:15,21; Heb 1:3)
●    defending truth, humility, justice; enemies shut out; hates wickedness (Rev 19:11; Mt 11:29; 2Thess 1:8f)
●    throne forever, righteous sceptre, joyful, delights in His bride (Heb 1:8f; 12:2; Zeph 3:17)

The Bride’s Response to Her Loving Lord

●    Christ loves the church, gave self up for us to make us radiant/holy (Eph 5:25)
●    love Him as if to hate family members by comparison for His sake (Mt 19:29; Lk 14:26)
●    His costly Lordship merits our honouring of Him in our decisions (11; Rev 5:9; Rom 14:9)
●    becoming glorious bride involves Spirit’s discipline, righteous acts (13; Rev 19:7f)

God Embraces Us Despite the ‘Shack’ of our Lostness

●    bestselling book traces author’s journey out of religious performance
●    shack of our pain / secrets / addictions / corruption
●    King enthralled with bride’s beauty sees past ‘shack’ with abundant grace