“How to Get from Anxiety to Contentment, Joy, and Peace”

July 27, 2008   Php 4(4-13)  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

No Worries

●    many anxieties at various stages in life
●    Paul’s surprising joy in distressing circumstances

Intangible Unending Joy

●    rejoice in the Lord - not reputation / appetites (3:1; 4:4)
●    joy comes when get right with God, confessing sin (Ps 32:10f)
●    Paul rejoiced in converts who were an eternal ‘crown’ (4:1)

Agreeability: People-skills & Sensitivity

●    pleads with two women to agree in the Lord (2f)
●    gentleness in view of Lord’s being ‘boss’ (5)

Prayerful Carefree-ness

●    cast anxieties on God who cares; present requests with thanksgiving (6; 1Pet 5:7)
Protective Peace
●    God’s peace guards heart/mind in Jesus: goes beyond reasoning (7)

Selective Squelch

●    in thinking, filter out what’s true/noble/right/pure/lovely/admirable/excellent/praiseworthy (8)
●    accountable to God for our thoughts (Heb 4:12; 1Chron 28:9)


●    put into practice what learned from experienced Christians (9)


●    those in hardship learned how to ‘make do’
●    Paul learned to cope in plenty or want: content (11f)

Secret UPS

●    secret of contentment Jesus’ strengthening: our ‘Uninterruptible Power Supply’ / charger / dynamo (13)
●    Paul witnessed God sparing 276 lives despite shipwreck (Acts 27)

Grace-based Giving

●    Philippian church supported Paul repeatedly despite own hardships (14ff; 2Cor 8:1ff)
●    promise of God to meet our needs according to His riches in Christ (19)

Forgot an Important Resource

●    young son struggling with rock but overlooked strong helper