“An Impossible Debt to Pay”
Micah 6:1-8 October 14, 2007 Play
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Mixed-motive Mercy
○ Forgiveness essential; appreciate God’s
forgiven us (Mt 6:12)
○ developing countries struggle, millions die
as result of debt crunch
○ give grudgingly or gladly depending if
understand God’s grace
Israel’s Incredible Inequity / Iniquity
○ Israel & Judah materially prosperous,
morally bankrupt
○ idolatry, coveting, theft, corruption (Micah
1:7; 5:13f; 6:7,16; 2:1f,8f; 3:1f; 7:3)
○ trust in military, dishonest merchants,
disrespect in families, bloodthirsty (5:10; 6:11f; 7:6; 7:2)
Would You Give the Shirt Off Your Back?
○ Canada somewhat similar: growing gap between
rich/poor; family/marital fractures
○ shirt from Vietnam symbolizes disparity of
○ tiny portion of coffee sale gets back to the
God’s Immense Grace Offsets Our Massive Debt
○ courtroom case shows how much God has done
for people - hasn’t wronged them (6:2-5)
○ justification through Jesus’ sacrifice
demonstrates God’s righteousness (Rom 3:25f)
Respond with Humble Mercy
○ material offerings entirely unsatisfactory
compared to God’s gift (6:6f; Ps 50:9)
○ What does God want/require? act justly, love
mercy, walk humbly with Him (6:8; Hosea 6:6)
○ ‘live simply that others may simply live’;
compassionate, humble, kind (1Pet 3:8; 5:5)