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“From Glory to the Gutter - to Profit You”

Dec.24, 2011 Titus 3:1-8   Play AUDIO (32 kbps mp3)

Against the Grain

•    getting our back up
•    "Be subject to…authorities… obedient… do whatever is good… be peaceable and considerate… show true humility…"
•    sanding wood not always easy

Dragged Down by Deceitful Passions

•    more our style
•    foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved by passions… malice, envy, hated and hating
•    6-year-old left alone with gift boxes

God's Saving Love Appeared

•    saved by God's love shown in Jesus
•    snow / water: justified, washed clean
•    staff: Holy Spirit "Comforter"
•    angel: hope of eternal life

Profitable for Everyone

•    Jesus has invested in us with eternal benefits
•    sheer grace in receiving undeserved gifts purchased by another's hardship