“What does ‘God’s Calling’ Mean?”

Feb.22, 2009 1Samuel 3:1-10 / various  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)
●    More than Only One Call
    ○    opportunities to re-examine ‘vocation’
    ○    tendency in church to treat pastoral ministry uniquely
    ○    God’s calling broader
●    Ruin for the Rebellious
    ○    powerful to pour waters of sea, raise the dead (Amos 5:8; Jn 11:43)
    ○    calls us to account (Deut 18:19; Job 31:14; Eccles 3:15)
    ○    God’s call was often rejected (Is 50:2, 65:12; 66:4; Jer 7:13, 35:17; Zec 7:13)
    ○    call of judgment - sword, drought, woe to earth (Jer 25:29, Hag 1:11, Mt 24:31, 1Thess 4:15, Rev 8:13, 14:15,18)
●    Riches - God's Blessings Bestowed
    ○    call to salvation through belief in the gospel (Ac 2:39; 2Thess 2:13f; Rom 8:30)
    ○    called by His grace, not by our works (1Cor 1:26; Rom 9:12; Gal 1:6,15; 2Tim 1:9; 2Pet 1:3)
    ○    a naming (Gen 35:10; Is 62:2; Rev 2:17, 3:12; Jn 10:3)
    ○    invitation to a relationship - friends, brothers, God’s children, fellowship with Jesus (Gen 3:9, 21:17, 22:11; Ex 3:4; 1Sam 3:4f; Ac 9:10; Mt 4:21; Jn 15:15; Heb 2:11; 1Jn 3:1)
    ○    called to freedom (1Cor 7:22; Gal 5:13)
    ○    share His glory (1Thess 2:12; 2Thess 2:14; 1Pet 5:10)
    ○    called to heaven / eternal life (Php 3:14; 1Tim 6:12; Heb 3:1; Lk 16:25; 1Cor 2:9)
●    Response: Our Part
    ○    be holy not impure (1cor 1:2; 1Thess 4:7; 1Pet 1:15)
    ○    called to peace in our relationships (1Cor 7:15; Col 3:15)
    ○    called to suffer, not repay evil (1Pet 2:21, 3:9)
    ○    called to serve, perform specific tasks (Is 41:2; Mt 10:1; Ac 13:2)
    ○    not about ‘my calling’ but God’s Kingdom - serve Christ, work for Him (Col 3:23f)
●    Not for Million Dollars
    ○    missionary nurse motivated by more than money in caring for leper