“Consideration for Those who See Things Differently”

Jan.18, 2009 Annual Meeting 1Cor.8    Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)
●    Agreeing to Disagree
    ○    differing opinions even among Christians
    ○    tempted to ‘set them straight’
●    A Solid Basis for Absolute Truth
    ○    know there is one God and one Lord, Jesus (4,6; Rom 11:36; Jn 1:3; Deut 4:39)
    ○    know idols are nothing at all (4; 10:20)
    ○    know food doesn’t bring us near to God (8; Mk 7:18f; Acts 15:29)
    ○    treasure to have God’s precious promises, inspired by Holy Spirit through prophets and apostles (2Pet 1:3f,21; 1Cor 2:11ff)
    ○    but if think we know something, don’t know as ought (2)
●    Love Builds Up Those with Weak Conscience
    ○    Jesus critical of knowledgeable Pharisees, scribes (Mt 23:4,23; Lk 20:47)
    ○    knowledge puffs up with pride; look down on others (1)
    ○    love builds up, supportive - truly ‘know’ God who is love (1Jn 4:8)
    ○    love the distinguishing feature of Christ’s followers (Jn 13:35)
    ○    my freedom limited by another’s weak conscience (7,10f)
    ○    to sin against weaker sister/brother = sin against Christ (11-12; Acts 9:5)
    ○    would rather never eat meat again than cause someone to stumble (13; 10:33; 13:5)
●    Love One Another - Even When They Seem ‘Dead Wrong’
    ○    church meetings ideal opportunity to practise love amidst disagreement
    ○    make allowance for background of ‘weaker brother’, e.g. association of card-playing with sinful activity