“Honouring God Bodily amongst Sexual Wickedness”

Jan.11, 2009  1Cor.6:9-20    Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)
●    Corinth - Then and Now
    ○    “Corinthianizing” today
●    Accentuate the Positive: God’s Wholesome Good Intention
    ○    for the married - enjoyable physical intimacy, free from anxiety/competition (Gen 1:27-28,31, 2:22-25; Prov 5:18f; SoS; Eph 5:28)
    ○    for the single - concerned about and devoted to the Lord in body and spirit, needs met (1Cor 7:8,32,34)
    ○    free from sin’s mastery (6:12) - a responsive cookie
    ○    experiencing oneness with Jesus in body and spirit (6:13,17,19) - e.g. handsfree cycling
    ○    honouring God as those redeemed at a cost, washed, and filled (6:20, 11)
●    Eliminate the Negative: Immorality’s Invasiveness
    ○    Destructive Cords (Proverbs 2:16-19; 5:3-[22]23; 6:23-35; 7:6-27)
    ○    Corrupting Fungus (1Cor 5:6-8)
    ○    Pollution from which to be Washed (6:11)
    ○    Amputation from Christ (6:15)
    ○    Self-sabotage: an Alien Body (6:18)
    ○    Desecration of the Living Temple (6:19) - e.g. public monuments
●    Not Our Own – Bought with a Price