“What the Early Church Learned about Prayer”

Jan.4/09  Acts 12:1-19 / various  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

●     Intro: Prayer, Santa’s Knee, and Toddlers

    ○    prayer different from ‘Santa syndrome’ – just telling what we want
    ○    weaned child trusts parents to provide what’s needed, so can be content (Ps 131:1f)
    ○    God infinitely wise, sometimes refuses requests

●    Prayer COMMITS

    ○    The Priority of Prayer
        -    apostles impressed by Jesus’ example (Lk 11:1)
        -    prayed together before & after Pentecost (Acts 1:14, 24, 2:42)
        -    conscious decision not to give administration priority over prayer & ministry (Acts 6:4)
        -    combined with fasting in commissioning missionaries / leaders (Acts 13:3, 14:23)
        -    expected to be faithful / devoted in prayer (Rom 12:12; Col 4:2; 1Tim 2:1,8; Jude 1:20)
    ○    Prayer Takes Time
        -    we’re careful to make time for what’s important to us, e.g. grace at meals
        -    keep on praying always / continually (Rom 11:36; Eph 6:18; 1Thess 5:17; 1Pet 4:7)
    ○    Prayer Takes a Place (Communal)
        -    gathered for prayer beside river when no synagogue / Temple (Acts 16:13, 16)
        -    make room singly or with others (Mt 6:6, 18:19)

●    Prayer CONNECTS

    ○    Prayer Connects Us Together (Bonding)
        -    apostle asked for solidarity by joining through prayer support (Rom 15:30; 2Cor 1:11)
        -    Epaphras ‘wrestled in prayer’ for the church (Col 4:12)
    ○    Prayer Connects Us with Heaven
        -    The Lord is attentive to prayers of the righteous (Heb 5:7; 1Pet 3:12)
        -    prayers of the saints like incense offered before God’s throne (Rev 5:8; 8:3f)
        -    God invites us to cast our anxiety on Him (1Pet 5:7)

●    Prayer CHANGES

    ○    Prayer Changes CIRCUMSTANCES
        -    Peter delivered in response to emergency prayer meeting (Ac 12:5, 12)
        -    Paul & Silas freed from dungeon when pray & sing (Ac 16:25)
        -    instructed to pray in faith that will receive healing & forgiveness (Jas 5:14ff)
    ○    Prayer Changes US
        -    God’s goal for us that we become mature, not have it easy (Jas 1:4)
        -    church prayed for boldness not easing of persecution (Ac 4:24,29ff)
        -    Paul given grace to cope with ‘thorn in the flesh’: Christ’s power despite his weakness (2Cor 12:7ff)
        -    praying overcomes our anxiety about situations (Php 4:6)
●    Prayer as COMMUNION
    ○    prayer about relationship, enjoying God – not requests