“From Fear to Favour: An Astounding Announcement”

Dec.21, 2008  Luke 1:26-38   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

    Wonders in the Womb

 • microscopic foot-in-brain and potential mammoths genetic marvels (Ps 139:14)

    The Graciousness of God’s Choosing

 • angel calms Mary with news of God’s favour / grace (28, 30; Eph 2:7f)
 • apart from God’s grace, as lost as drunken ‘Designated Driver’

    The Greatness of God’s Son

 • baby to be Saviour, great, reign forever in kingdom (31ff; Rev 19:16; Lk 2:52f)
 • prophecy looked for child who would govern justly forever (Is 9:6f)
 • Christ-in-us ‘glorious riches’, hope of glory (Col 1:27)

    The Power of God’s Touch

 • God’s power to ‘overshadow’ as at Tabernacle / Transfiguration (Ex 40:34f; Mk 9:7)
 • fulfilment of ‘sign’ of Isaiah 7:14 - miraculous
 • holy & pure from imputed generational sin (35; Gen 3:11)
 • Elizabeth’s pregnancy proof ‘nothing impossible with God’ (37; Heb 11:6)

    The Blessedness of a Servant’s Belief

 • Mary doesn’t protest but accepts plans as servant (38; 1:18; Mt 1:20f)
 • blessing accompanies believing God’s promise (42,45,48)

    Trust the Expert

 • faith shown even by process of physician / prescription / pharmacy