“'Who Are You?' – A Witness for One Greater”

Dec.14, 2008  Jn.1:6-8, 19-28   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

And Now, the Star of Our Show...

Foolish for announcer to keep attention on himself

Humans not the main focus in the universe

Who Are You?”: Mr.Not-Not-No

Jerusalem authorities sent delegation to check out radical new preacher (19)

John denied being the Messiah, Elijah, or the Prophet (Lk 3:15; Jn 1:20ff; Mal 4:5; Deut 18:15)

Just a voice shouting in the wilderness – to reveal the coming Messiah (26)

Announcing the Special Son / Lamb

John all about being a witness / testifying (7f,15,19,32,34)

1. Long-before Surpasser

Surpasses John because existed before him (15, 30; Jn 1:1f)

Answers our need for knowledge of our origin

2. Lord / Son of God

Clear about Jesus' deity – heard Father's statement at baptism (23, 27, 34; Mk 1:11; Jn 1:49; 11:27; Mt 26:63)

Answers our need for security – someone to be in control

3. Lamb of God who takes away Sin

Unusually keen insight into Jesus' sacrificial role (29; 12:34; Mk 9:32; Lk 2:35; Is 53:7)

Even famous evangelist DL Moody realized need for forgiveness

4. Life-igniting Spirit-soaker

Foretold that Jesus would baptize with Spirit and fire: righteousness, peace, joy etc. (33; Mt 3:11; Lk 3:16; Rom 14:17; Ac 2:33)

Sold Out – to Your Shoelaces

Not worthy to untie Master's sandal-straps: more slave than disciple (27)

Jesus took role of servant, washing disciples' feet (Jn 13)

Famous inventor saw his part as minor compared to God's action / revealing