“The Coming Inauguration, and This World’s ‘Lame-Duck’ Prince”

Christ the King Sunday Nov.23/08 Eph 1:15-23   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Why Associate with the “Lame-Duck” Leader?

●    other administrations eager to meet with Obama rather than current president
●    Satan ‘prince of this world’ but has no hold on Jesus our coming King (Jn 12:31, 14:30, 16:11)

A Kingship Increasingly Apparent

●    Jesus’ sovereignty hailed long ago by Jacob, David, Isaiah, Daniel (Gen 49:10; Ps 45 72 110; Is 9:6f; Dan 2:35,44, 7:13f; Mic 5:2)
●    Jesus’ titles and teachings hint of kingship: Lord, Messiah (Lk 22:29; Jn 18:37, 19:19, 1:49; Mt 13:41, 25:31,34, 4:17; 18:23; 20:1; 22:2; 25:1)
●    in Jesus’ life and disciples’ mission, God’s kingdom takes effect (Lk 11:20; Mt 28:18ff)
●    Kingship will be most apparent during Millennial age / judgment (1Cor 15:24; Rev 14:14; 17:14; 19:11,15f)
●    different from earthly rulers: serving, confers kingdom to followers, awards crown, makes us kings and priests (Mk 10:42ff; Lk 22:29f; 2Tim 4:8; Rev 1:6, 3:21)

The Interim Impostor

●    Satan limited creature liable to be bound by just one angel (Rev 20:1)
●    accuser, serpent, ruler of the kingdom of the air, thief aiming to steal, kill, and destroy (Rev 20:1, 12:10; Jn 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Mt 12:24; Eph 2:2; Jn 10:10)
●    blinds mind of unbelievers, tempts to disobey, inflicts disease, motivates people to lie and be selfish (2Cor 4:4; Ge 3:4,5, Mt 4:1,3; Job 1:9ff, 2:7; Zec 3:1; Mt 13:19; Mt 13:38f; Lu 9:42; Jn 8:44; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2; 1Pet 5:8)
●    destruction and oppression instigated in relationships makes for sad stories

No Contest When It Comes Down to It

●    Jesus perceived God’s kingdom-work included driving out demons (Mt 12:24ff)
●    destroyed the devil and his work by His death on the cross (Heb 2:14)
●    doom predicted for Satan and associates: unending torment (Rev 20:10)

Armoured Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom: Resisting the Enemy

●    be mentally beefed up on God’s Word / Spirit’s “sword” (Mt 4:4; Ps 119:11; Eph 6:17)
●    monitor emotions lest give foothold through anger (Eph 4:26f)
●    keep alert, extinguishing darts through prayer and worship (Eph 6:16,18)
●    be actively carrying out God’s Kingdom tasks (Mt 6:33; Jas 4:7)
●    practise self-control: look for the ‘way out’ of temptation (Gal 5:22f; 1Cor 10:13)