“Dangerous Enchantment: Our Fashionable Fascination with the Occult”

Oct.19, 2008 Exodus 7:8-13; 8:16-19    Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Hauntings & Huron: Mediums Go Mainstream

●    Halloween promotions pushing into the paranormal
●    occult becoming ‘established’ in books, media

Spiritism vs.Holy Spirit

●    various Hebrew words in ‘occult’ category
●    common in other nations in ancient times
●    strongly prohibited in law of Moses (Ex 22:18; Lev 19:26,31, 20:27; Deut 18:9-13)
●    Israel made mistake of copying previous nations’ practices, exiled (Gen 15:16; 2Chron 33:3ff,9)
●    sorcery detestable to God, excluded from the Kingdom: rejecting God (Deut 18:12; Rev 21:8 , 22:15; 1Sam 15:23)
●    evil power real but counterfeit, inferior, overcome by Jesus (Lk 10:19)
●    sorcery part of ‘deeds of the flesh’ - not being led by Holy Spirit (Gal 5:19ff)

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

●    turning away from occult releases Lord’s power; freedom from fear (Ac 19;19f; 2Tim 1:7; 1Jn 4:18)
●    caution not to pass judgment on ‘disputable matters (Rom 14)

Halloween’s Hang-ups

●    dangers to children, unhealthy physically & spiritually
●    develop conviction to ‘live as children of light’ (Jn 3:19; Eph 5:8f)