“House of Good Things, Valleys that Sing”

Thanksgiving Oct.12, 2008  Psalm 65   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Still Something for which to Give Thanks

●    Psalm reminds us there’s much more than material things to appreciate

Earth Responds Abundantly to God’s Watering

●    plentiful rain permits fields to produce bountiful crops (9-13)
●    above-average precipitation this season made for bumper yields (Jer 5:24)

God’s Power Responds to the Chaos of our Circumstances

●    God stills the roaring of the sea’s waves and nations’ turmoil (6f; Mt 8:26)
●    international market chaos stemmed from greed / mismanagement in large financial institutions
●    Habakkuk: woe to those who profit by extortion, piling up stolen goods (Hab 2:6,9,13)
●    can be joyful in God even when crops fail and stalls are empty (Hab 3:17ff)

Guilt-laden Consciences Respond to God’s Grace & Forgiveness

●    forgiveness of overwhelming sins brings sense of blessedness (3f)
●    Jesus’ ‘blood of the covenant’ makes possible for sin-debt to be wiped out (Lev 4:25; Mt 26:28)

Our Hearts Respond with Hope, Joy, & Obedience

●    Saviour gives hope & songs of joy when outlook bleak (1,5,8; Mk 10:27)
●    motivated to fulfill vows by God’s goodness to us (1)

More Thankful with Less

●    high-living couple ‘had it all’ except happiness
●    Mexican mission trip introduced people with joy despite poverty