“Jesus as Priest-King: Commanding and Offering”

Meeting Jesus in Unexpected Places, Pt.4
Sept.28, 2008   Psalm 110   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Looking for the Perfect Leader

●    political contests opportunities to assess leadership essentials
●     integrity, not charisma, fundamental (Redekop)

Justice-seeking King-crusher

●    Jesus at God’s right hand: place of ultimate authority (1,5; Mt 22:43; Ac 2:34ff; Ac 7:55f; Mt 28:18; 2Sam 2:1; 5:19,23-24)
●    executing justice on enemies who reject God’s ways (1-2,5-6; Is 42:1; Mic 4:2; Rev 6:16f; Rom 2:5; Ezek 39:11-20; Rev 19:19-21)

Holy Humble Priest-For-Us

●    holy and priest in order of Melchizedek (3f; Ps 96:9; Heb 4:15; Eph 1:4; Ex 28; Gen 14:18, 49:10; 2Chron 26:16-21)
●    Jesus lives to intercede for believers, sacrificed for our sins for all (Heb 2:9, 7:24ff)

A Great and Reverent American Leader in Crisis

●    Lincoln’s reliance on prayer well documented
●    ‘blockhead’ if tried to get along without God’s wisdom (http://www.dcmemorials.com/index_indiv0001484.htm  http://www.ccel.us/trueblood1.ch4.html)