“Persevering with Praise though Pierced”

Sept.21, 2008  Psalm 22[1-10,18-24]    Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

A Cry from the Heart when All Seems Lost

●    What would you choose to say in final moments if life threatened?
●    Jesus chose Psalm 22 not 23 (Mk 15:34): “Why...?”
●    blunt language helps us relate in our own hardships

Fearful Foes & Faith’s Re-framing

●    brief ‘collect’ prayers combine God’s qualities with current petition (Ac 1:24f)
●    bulls / lions / dogs / the sword all hazards (11-16,20-21)
●    recalls past deliverance, anticipates future deliverance (4f; 25ff)
●    climactic assertion that God rules, despite our hassles (28)

Our Hopes Pinned on Jesus at the Cross

●    eery correspondence between David’s psalm and Jesus’ crucifixion
●    abandonment; insults; bones out of joint; extremities pierced (1, 7f, 14, 16; Mk 15:29f; Mt 27:43; Jn 20:27)
●    garments divided, lots cast, new ‘brothers’ brought to glory (18, 22; Mt 27:35; Jn 19:23f; Heb 2:12)

God Brings Deliverance through Pain for His Glory

●    mystery of problem of pain key religious question
●    difficult to understand when don’t see the whole picture
●    Joseph treated abominably, but God ‘meant it for good’ - saving many (Gen 45:5,7f, 50:20)
●    God works for our good in all things - no hardship can cut us off from God’s love (Rom 8:28, 35,37)
●    Psalmist and ancestors trusted in God and weren’t disappointed (4f, 9f, 22, 24)

A Quadriplegic Praising God and Telling Others

●    Joni ministering to many with praise and hope despite drastic diving accident
●    difficulties ‘no mistake’ but keys to true contentment & joy