“How Secure is Your Levee?”

Sept.7, 2008  Psalm 69[1-18]   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Overwhelmed by Stormy Waters

●    hurricane force wears at city defences
●    Psalmist threatened by flood waters / enemies (Ps 69:1ff, 14f)
●    Messianic Psalms - meet Jesus in unexpected places

Subjected to Shame and Scorn

●    Psalmist not simply victim: acknowledges guilt, folly (5f)
●    enemies hate without reason, seek to destroy, force him to restore what he didn’t steal (4; 1Kings 21)
●    endures scorn, made fun of, mocked (7,10-12)
●    even attacked by poisoned food (21)
●    left completely alone and helpless (20)

Jesus Enters Into Our Pain in a Saving Way

●     Psalm’s inscription hints of Easter (lilies), trust in God (Mt 6:28-34)
●    Jesus was estranged from own family (8; Jn 1:11, 7:5)
●    Jesus zealous for God’s house when cleared Temple (9; Jn 2:17)
●    Jesus bore the insults intended for others (9; Rom 15:3; Mt 27:27ff; Heb 4:15)
●    soldiers gave Jesus vinegar/gall mixture on cross (21; Jn 19:28f; Mt 27:34)

God’s Character Our Assurance

●    system crashes when rely on own strength rather than God’s word (Mt 7:24ff)
●    God’s favour, love, salvation anchor our hope (13)
●    goodness, tender affection even through times of testing (16)
●    doesn’t despise us but hears the cry of the needy (33)

Faith’s Foothold through Painful Difficulty on the Farm

●    farmer and wife persevering through severe physical disability: thankful and accountable