“So you think you’re pretty hot stuff? You’ll be hotter yet!”

July 20, 2008 Philippians 3(4b-11,17-21)  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

A Fine Reputation Destroyed by Illicit Appetites

●    reputation of BNL band tarnished by leader’s drug-related arrest

Off-Track in Two Directions

●    ‘fine respectables’: error of putting confidence in the flesh: background, religiosity (2-6)
●    religion = what we DO; Christianity = what Jesus has DONE
●    ‘pleasure-happy consumer-pagans’: glory in shame, stomach god (18f)
●    destiny destruction: fire / teeth-gnashing in hell real (Mt 13:41f; Mk 9:47f; Mt 8:12, 22:13, 25:30)

The Pearl and the Peel

●    Paul’s earlier self-made righteousness now ‘loss / rubbish’ (7f)
●    worth selling all to obtain pearl of great value (Mt 13:45f)
●    benefits of knowing Jesus:
    ○    righteousness from God, by faith (9; Is 64:6; 1Jn 1:9)
    ○    power of His resurrection - brings everything under His control (10, 21; 2:13)
    ○    resurrection from dead - lowly bodies transformed to be glorious (10, 21)
    ○    fellowship of sharing in His sufferings - becoming like Him (10; Rom 8:29; Jas 1:2ff)
●    gates of the heavenly city made of pearl: enter through suffering (Rev 21:12-21)

Pressing On for the Prize

●    strain toward what’s ahead - want to win God’s upward call (Eph 2:10; 3:12,14)
●    keep up athletic ‘routine’ / pattern (16f)
●    training of mind: forget what’s behind, not set mind on earthly things, eagerly await Saviour (13, 15, 19; 2:2,5; Rev 4:1; Ps 27:8)

Daily Discipline Helps “Go Da Distance”

●    gruelling continual training helped ordinary boxer prepare to meet a champ