“Hanging On in Hardship”

July 6, 2008 Philippians 1:12-30  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

When What is Vile is Honoured...

●    material progress in Canada offset by moral threat (Ps 12:1,8)
●    Order of Canada for an abortionist / applause for obscenities
●    “What am I here for?” - need heroes we aspire to imitate

Rejoicing Despite Stressful Situation

●    imprisoned; risk of death; vocal Judaizing opponents (1:13-21; Ac 28:30)
●    but tone joyful not whining (3:1; 4:4)

Precious Partnership: Paul & Philippi

●    very warm affection indicates close bond (3,7f)
●    repeated financial support in Thessalonica, Corinth, Rome (5; 4:10-18; 2Cor 8:1ff)

Valued Vision

●    prayer that church have love, knowledge, insight, discernment, purity, fruit (9-11, 27)
●    put here for the gospel / important thing: Christ is preached (12f,16,18)
●    aiming to honour Christ by life or death (20f)

Puzzling Perseverance

●    better by far to depart and be with Christ (23)
●    sufferings granted along with believing (29; 2Tim 3:12; Ac 16:22; 1Pet 4:12f)
●    ally: help given by Jesus’ Spirit (19)
●    encourages others, confounds foes since not frightened (14, 28)

To Live is Christ: A Quebec City Heroine

●    remarkable contribution of Marie Guyart de l’Incarnation to remote outpost
●    endeavoured to introduce native population to Jesus; language expert
●    ‘she lived and acted only through Jesus Christ’