“The Priority of Simplicity and Sincerity”

Matthew 6:1-8 June 29, 2008  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)
●    When Reality Makes Religiosity Backfire
    ○    bumper sticker accompanied by unexpected response
    ○    people quick to point out others’ failings (Rom 2:15)
●    When You Act ‘Religious’ - What Reward Do You Seek?
    ○    “When you __ don’t __ like the hypocrites, to be __ by men; I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you __ __, then your Father, who sees what’s done in secret, will repay you.” (Mt 6:2-6, 16-18)
    ○    hypocrites have wrong audience / goal / idea of God
    ○    “When you...”: benefits of giving to needy, praying, fasting
    ○    easy to ‘sound the trumpet’ in modern ways to draw attention
●    God’s Not Deaf, but He May Be In Our Blind Spot
    ○    don’t babble on and on - prophets of Baal / devotees of Diana (7f; 1Kings 18:26ff; Ac 19:34)
    ○    Father knows our need before we ask; invites our requests (Php 4:6,19; Jer 33:3; Heb 4:16)
    ○    put God’s Kingdom / name / will first (6:32f, 9f)
●    When We Ask - He Answers
    ○    answers to prayer may come faster than we expect
    ○    God ‘owns the cattle on a thousand hills’ - and can sell any needed (Ps 50:10)