“Watered-down Witness”

May 4, 2008 Mt.5:13-20  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Gone Off, Good-for-nothing

o    Chocolate milk down the drain
o    Christians / churches can ‘lose flavour’, too

How do you make salt ‘salty’ again?

o     Salt worthless if loses saltiness (13)
o    purity: called to live pure lives (Titus 2:14; 1Jn 1:7)
o    precious: dearly loved by the Father (Rev 21:21; Eph 5:1; 1Jn 3:1)
o    preservative: gracious conversation has seasoning effect (Col 4:6)

Lighten Up

o    city on hill hard to hide: Jesus ‘Light of the World’ shines through us (Jn 8:12; 1:4f,9; 1Jn 1:5; Eph 5:14; Jn 12:36)
o    not hiding under bowl but noticeable as stars in depraved generation (15; Php 2:15; Eph 5:8ff)
o    our good deeds bring glory to God (16; 1Pet 2:12)

Kingdom, Commands, and Compliance

o    “Kingdom of heaven” not realized on earth yet (4:17,23; Rev 11:15, 12:10)
o    Kingdom parallels to Incident Management System – command, communication, orders carried out
o    enter Kingdom if do Father’s will, abide by His earth-outlasting revelation (18; Mt 7:21; Eph 5:10)
o    compliance with God’s teaching determines whether we’re viewed as small or great in the Kingdom (19f; Lk 11:42)

Bringing Light in Dark Circumstances

o    J&L Niles emergency fostering of >1,000 children brings honours, motivates others