“Repentance, Refreshing, Rehabilitation - in Jesus’ Name”

April 13, 2008   Acts 3:11-26  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

The Name Changer

o      Names carry extra meaning about a person

o      Jesus has a new name saved up for overcomers (Rev 2:17; Jn 2:24f)

Our Former Name

o      Lame man beside Beautiful Gate like our contrast to God’s holiness (Rom 3:10)

o      Healing didn’t happen by Peter’s own power or godliness (3:12)

o      Judas betrayed, Simon disowned (Mk 15:50,72)

o      Barabbas murdered, Caiaphas acted in ignorance: our names too (Prov 18:21; Jas 3:8; Jn 11:49f)

Faith in the Name Above All Names

o      Jesus’ name responsible for the healing; above every name (Php 2:9f; Ac 3:16)

o      Names important in financial / material / spiritual worlds (Mk 5:9)

o      Jesus’ names:  “Servant”, “Jesus”, “Holy & Righteous” (13f, 26; Is 42:1; Mt 1:21)

o      “Christ/suffer”, “prophet” (18, 22; Is 52:13ff)

Refreshing of Repentance

o      repenting involves turning from darkness (19; 26:18; Is 55:7)

o      wiping / blotting out of sins (Is 43:25)

o      times of refreshing: ‘cooling off’ of Holy Spirit, connection with Christ

Is Your Name On?

o      Some patients reluctant to wear name-bands; checking up

o      Be identified as belonging to Jesus before He returns (21)