“Priorities in the Converted Community”

April 6, 2008 Acts 2:42-47  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Unexpected Joy

o      Ugandan food distribution scene of gladness not grabbing

o      Early church rejoiced at blessings received, undaunted by global task

Grace In

o      Fullness of Jesus’ grace pours out blessing as He gave Himself (Jn 1:16; 2Cor 8:9)

o      FOCUS:

o      Apostles’ teaching – need to develop ‘mind of Christ’ (42; 1Cor 2:16; 2Cor 5:16f)

o      Devoted to prayer (42)


o      Fellowship, participation in Communion (Mt 18:20; Lk 24:31; 1Cor 10:16)

o      Shaking power, wonders, miracles (4:31; 2:43)

o      Glad sincere hearts: Ethiopian / jailer rejoiced when believed (46f; 8:39; 16:34; Gal 5:22f; Neh 8:10; Rom 8:28,39)

o      God makes grace abound; ‘much grace’ upon early church (4:33; 2Cor 9:8)

Giving Out

o      TOGETHERNESS: met/ate together, loving relationships vital (42, 44, 46; Heb 10:25)

o      SELFLESSNESS: shared possessions, gave where needed (44f; Ac 11:29)

o      Christ frees us to be to others what He has been to us (Ogilvie)

o      Interdenominational co-operation of CFGB “an interchurch miracle”

o      WELFARE: no needy persons; Zacchaeus gave half away (4:34; Lk 19:8; 1Jn 3:17)

o      WITNESS: favour/goodwill with rest of people, others saved (47)

Blessed, to be a Blessing

o      Youth food study tour participants struck by farmers’ faith in face of hardships

o      So many blessings – ‘it’s their turn’