“Boaz’ Benevolence: Welcome the Stranger”

January 13, 2008   Ruth 2  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

“All Welcome” – Really?

 ○     sidewalk artists not welcome in Ottawa
 ○     unusual visitors in church get mixed reception

Bethlehem’s Most Eligible Bachelor

 ○     man “of standing”: prominent, rich, but single (1)
 ○     wealthy, influential, attentive, godly (4, 12)
 ○     protector, shelters the stranger, provider (8f, 14, 16; Mt 25:35)
 ○     bless poor, alien, widow - and God blesses back (Lev 23:22; Deut 24:19; Prov 19:17)
 ○     big view of God - wings that offer refuge (12; Ps 57:1; Mt 23:37)

An Unseen Guiding Hand

 ○     Ruth demonstrates initiative despite risk / vulnerability (2, 8f, 16, 22)
 ○     polite, hard-working, diligent (10f, 13, 7)
 ○     Divine Guidance brought her to field of kinsman-redeemer (3, 20; Ps 112:9; Mt 10:29)

Finding Favour by Being Noticed

 ○     Ruth finds favour in Boaz’ eyes in that he notices even a foreigner (2, 10, 19)
 ○     Salvation Army attempts to see needs that others miss
 ○     woman visiting shelter surprised that her stereotypes were wrong
 ○     stretch to include others in celebrations, as we have been welcomed