“Rejoicing in Others’ Deliverance”

Dec.16, 2007 Matt.11:2-15  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Wacky Warnings: How Dense Can We Be?!

 ○     caution labels seem obvious, humorous
 ○     John the Baptist warned people of real danger, even kings (Mk 6:18,20)
 ○     God’s ways rejected by the unscrupulous

When Doubts Arise – Get the Big Picture

 ○     joy as friend of bridegroom turned to doubt in prison (Jn 3:29; Mt 11:2; Is 61:1)
 ○     miracles demonstrated Kingdom’s advance (Lk 7:11f, 21; Mt 11:4f; Is 35:5, 61:1)
 ○     when discouraged, review blessings lest fall away (6)
 ○     Jesus resisted popular pressure to start political Kingdom (Jn 6:15)

A Godly ‘Man’s Man’: Tribute to a Prophet+

 ○     Kingdom not coming in a way that would release John from captivity (Lk 7:20; Jn 18:36)
 ○     epitaph for the Baptist: a prophet, and more; the Messenger; none greater born of woman; Elijah (11:9ff,14; Mal 3:1, 4:5)
 ○     not reed swayed by wind, fearing others’ opinion (7)
 ○     not like finely-dressed courtiers, flattering for favours (8)
 ○     yet the least in the Kingdom is greater than John: high privilege being raised with Christ (11; Eph 2:6f)

From Guilt to Grace: Seize the Opportunity

 ○     Kingdom ‘forcefully advancing’ yet being attacked, people forcing entry (12; Lk 16:16; Rom 3:20; Gal 3:21,23, 4:1)
 ○     good news that guilt replaced by grace, blessing; frustrates the worldly-forceful (Jn 1:16f)

Learning to Rejoice Despite Trials

 ○     incarcerated Baptist had to be content with joy in others’ deliverance
 ○     missionary David Brainerd suffered hardships / TB, died young, but knew joy in God