“Finding Joy and Purpose in God’s Work”

Philippians 2:12-30 Oct.28, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Working in Utopia

 ○     good to find satisfaction in work (Prov 31:17; Eccl 2:24, 3:22; 1Thess 4:11)
 ○     some work situations not very enjoyable

The Worker’s POSTURE: in Christ, freed from self-focus

 ○     have encouragement, comfort, fellowship from union with Christ (2:1)
 ○     not selfish ambition but humble, consider others’ interests (3f)
 ○     Jesus humbled self, became obedient as servant (5-8)
 ○     example of Timothy: takes a genuine interest in their welfare (20, 22)

The Worker’s POWER: Working Out What God Works In

 ○     work out your salvation: faith seeks expression (12; Jas 2:18ff; Gal 5:6; Mt 24:13; 2Pet 1:5ff)
 ○     with fear and trembling: Jesus exalted beyond merely ‘friend’ to ‘Lord’ (9ff; Rev 1:17; Lev 10:1f)
 ○     God works in us to will/act for His purpose, equips us for what pleases Him (13; 2Cor 5:19; Heb 13:20f)
 ○     Eric Liddell: the Power comes from within - seeking Jesus / Kingdom

The Worker’s PURITY: Not This, but That

 ○     without complaining, arguing, fault (14ff; Mt 17:17; Ac 2:40)
 ○     become blameless, pure, shining like stars, holding out word of life  (15; Mt 7:14; Lk 1:79)

The Worker’s POURING: Surprising Joy in being a Libation

 ○     Paul a drink offering atop church’s sacrifice & service, like Jesus’ self-emptying, Epaphroditus risking his life (17, 7, 27, 30)
 ○     surprisingly, joy associated (17f; 29; Gal 5:22f)
 ○     St. Francis of Assisi: seeking to bring Lord’s light amidst darkness