“What Will Keep Me from Giving Up?”

Philippians 1:3-11 (19-28) Oct.21, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

In It with an Inmate

 ○     tough reception for Paul in Philippi: attacked by crowd, beaten, jailed (Acts 16)
 ○     Philippian church still involved with Paul 10 years later in prison in Rome
 ○     Steve Bell recalls friendships formed and help offered by prairie inmates

God will Complete the Work

 ○     God began the work, will carry it on to completion (6; Mt 16:18)
 ○     Lord supplies grace, affection, righteousness, joy, safety (7f, 11, 19, 21, 26, 28; Jn 14:26, 15:26, 16:7)

Partners and Team-mates

 ○     Philippian church ‘partners’ (koinonia), sharing in God’s grace (4,7)
 ○     provided manpower, money, prayer support (2:25; 4:18; 1:19)
 ○     stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man - like athletes in contest (27)
 ○     hockey teams fare better when don’t score on own net
 ○     Paul determined to remain alive for church’s benefit, though desires to depart & be with Christ (23f; 7f)

Divine Supply when “Out to Lunch”

 ○     Wilmot Centre pastor & wife struggling with osteosarcoma, unending pain
 ○     pleasant surprise when couldn’t even find enough food in kitchen to pack school lunches
 ○     divinely inspired promptings a blessing to those coping with hardship