“How Can I Give Thanks When It’s Tough?”

  Ps.100; Php 4:4-7  Thanksgiving   October 7, 2007   Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Thankfulness Not Always Easy

 ○     ‘rejoice...always’, thankful ‘in everything’ - a tall order when having a bad day
 ○     financial / health / relational stress make it hard to give thanks

Take It from One who Knows

 ○     David endured neglect / abuse /scorn / grief from family, royalty, public – yet wrote psalms of praise (1Sam 16:5-11; 17:28; 18:10; 2Sam 12:15ff, 15, 16:6f)
 ○     Paul imprisoned, targeted by trouble-makers, when wrote about being ever thankful (Php 1:13, 17f)

Rejoice in the Lord’s Qualities

 ○     common impressions of Thanksgiving miss the Biblical point
1) God our Creator, made us - not an accident (100:3)
2) we His people, belong to Him: God near to us, Christ in us (1Cor 6:19f; Php 4:5; Mt 28:20; Rom 8:1; Gal 2:20)
3) God’s loving care tends us gently like sheep, or parents of young infant (100:3,5; Is 40:11)
4) the Lord is good: intrinsically beneficial (Ps 106, 107, 118, 136)
5) Faithful: won’t lie, but keeps His promise / covenant - can trust Him (Num 23:19; Titus 1:2; Deut 7:9)
6) guards us with peace in Christ, so can resist impulse to flee (Php 4:7; Rom 8:28; Jn 10:27f)

Thankful – for Fleas?!

 ○     Corrie & Betsy Ten Boom learned even pests have their up-side