“Portrait of the Man God Brags On”

Job 29(1-18; 31:16-23)   Sept.2, 2007 

Big Shots Bite the Dust

 ○     glory of stars / divas / politicians may be short-lived (1Pet 1:24f)

A Man in whom God Delights

 ○     God singled out Job for special commendation (1:8; 2:3; Ezek 14:14,20)
 ○     important not to please people but God (1Thess 2:4)
 ○     not saved by works, but carry out good works God has prepared (1Cor 1:30; Eph 2:3ff, 9f)

A Great Man – Showing Great Generosity

 ○     respected by great and small alike, honoured even by nobles (29:7-11,21-25)
 ○     openhanded toward the poor (12; Deut 15:7f,11)
 ○     blessed by the dying / those who’d lost hope, made widow’s heart sing (29:13)
 ○     aided blind, lame, stranger (15f)
 ○     implemented justice despite wicked’s fangs (14,17; Prov 30:14)
 ○     did not dare abuse and orphan even if could get away with it - feared God’s judgment (31:21ff; Ps 68:5; Ex 22:22f; Prov 23:10f)
 ○     pure religion looks after orphans/widows in distress (Jas 1:27)

Plug In to the Impoverished

 ○     important to remember the poor, feed & clothe those in need (Gal 2:10; Mt 25:35f)
 ○     creative ways today to be eyes to the blind & feet to the lame locally
 ○     Children’s Homes Int’l, EMCC.ca Relief & Development active in many countries
 ○     Samaritan’s Purse helping with Peru earthquake relief - looking for funds, volunteers