“Divine Direction when Discouraged”

1Kings 19:1-18 August 5, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

All Shook Up

 ○     challenging problems may require a different approach

Dragged Down into the Depths of Despair

 ○     Jezebel’s threat made quick end of Carmel victory (2)
 ○     Elijah flees, despairs of life (3f)
 ○     factors leading to depression: Excitement - Exaltation - Enemies - Exit - Exhaustion - Ego (18:17; Mk 10:42; 1Kings 21:8; 2Kings 9:30, 11:1; 1Kings 19:10,14)
 ○     causes and symptoms of depression (MeierClinics.com)

God’s Refreshing and Re-framing

 ○     angel provided refreshments, understanding (5f; Ps 34:7; Gen 21:15ff; 28:11ff; Mt 4:11)
 ○     Lord questions/coaches rather than condemning (9; Gen 3:9; 16:8; Jn 21:15ff)
 ○     God not in wind/earthquake/fire but ‘gentle whisper’: not sensational or dramatic (11f; Ex 19:16; Ps 50:3; Nahum 1:3,6)
 ○     quiet, humble servant-approach intercedes for the wayward rather than blaming them (Zec 4:6; Gen 18:23; Ex 32:11f; Dan 9:5-16)
 ○     sovereign appointment of Hazael / Jehu / Elisha hints things are under control (15-17)

When Life Gets You Down...Look Up

 ○     our weakness is an opportunity for Christ’s grace / power to be made complete in us (2Cor 12:9)
 ○     when fighting depression, keep reading Bible, praying, thanking God for His love; consider medical / counselling help, address underlying causes (fotf.ca: Mark Sutton / Dr Bruce Hennigan)