“Share Good News - by Serving”

Acts 9:36-42 June 10, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

The Blessing of Being Served

 ○     mounting clutter a source of discouragement
 ○     compounded by outdoor disarray
 ○     helpful daughter brought refreshing restoration

Serving for Jesus’ Sake

 ○     Jesus’ pattern self-emptying servanthood (Mt 20:26,28; Php 2:7)
 ○     shape of Christian’s life not lording, but serving (Rom 12:7; 2Cor 4:5)
 ○     called to be free, but God’s servants with His strength, for His praise (Gal 5:13; 1Pet 2:16; 1Pe 4:11; 2Cor 9:13)

Gazelle Eyes - Observant & Opened

 ○     beautiful eyes saw ways to sew for widows in need (Ac 9:36, 39)
 ○     notice needs others don’t see, find joy in serving

Quiet Evangelism

 ○     servers humble, patient, put others first
 ○     ask God to show you opportunities; pray so not imposing
 ○     need to share words as well as actions (Rom 10:14)

Actions Overcome when Words Aren’t Enough

 ○     New Age-interested brother unaffected by intellectual arguments
 ○     neighbours’ helpfulness effective evidence of Christ’s love