“When There’s No Burning Bush: Following Your Passions to Discover God’s Call (pt.1)”

1Peter 2:4-12  May 20, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

No Saint’s Job ‘Secular’

 ○     field / household labourer’s work akin to priest’s if done in faith
 ○     myths hold people back from being released to serve as God impassions them

Priests Prompting Praise

 ○     danger in differentiating between clergy / laity: not to be called ‘rabbi’ / ‘teacher’ (Mt 23:8-11)
 ○     Jesus as High Priest opened way for believers to approach God directly (Heb 7:27, 10:10,12; 1Tim 2:5; 1Jn 2:2; Heb 4:16)
 ○     we’re made priests to offer sacrifices of praise & action that prompt others to glorify God (Rev 1:6; 1Pet 2:5,9,12; Ex 27:21, 29:38; Lev 10:11; Num 10:8; Heb 13:15f; Rom 12:1; Mt 5:16)
 ○     priestly shape of life is FOR others (1Pet 3:18)

Myth 1: “Ministry is Just for Ministers”

 ○     Christ gave grace to each one for varied spiritual gifts (1Cor.12; Rom 12; Eph 4:7,11ff)
 ○     ministering to people in crisis as insurance agent, not church administrator

Myth 2: “Most Real Ministry Happens at Church”

 ○     God can be praised as result of faithfully administering His grace every day (1Pet 4:10f)
 ○     church most the church when sanctuary empty: don’t get ingrown
 ○     retired plumber discovered bonus ministry at centre for handicapped kids

Myth 3: “An Ordinary Job Gets in the Way of Ministry”

 ○     washing diapers can make God smile - if done in faith
 ○     do it all - whatever you do - for God’s glory (1Cor 10:31)
 ○     catalysts to transform secular job to ministry: focus on needs; be motivated by love; committed to excellence (Eph 6:7f)

Fixing More than Cars

 ○     service station serves broken / lonesome people as well as vehicles
 ○     mentoring rough character who ‘hangs around’ his new friend