“A Feisty Phoenician Female’s Faith”

Mk. 7:24-30 Mother's Day  May 13, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Very Important People

 ○     when Mom’s away = family ‘home alone’
 ○     mothering parallels mentoring / discipling

Go the Distance

 ○     mothers required to make sacrifices, cope with discomfort
 ○     Syro-Phoenician woman had to hunt for Jesus (25)


 ○     need to counter evil forces that would destroy the young / vulnerable
 ○     resist the enemy who prowls, seeking to create slander (1Pet 5:8; 1Tim 5:14)


 ○     multiple appeals for help though met with objections (26; Mt 15:21-28; Lk 18:1-8)
 ○     Susanna Wesley overcame tough life, nurtured great evangelists


 ○     argued even dogs deserve children’s crumbs (28)
 ○     believed in a gracious, giving, providing God, not grinch (1Tim 6:17; Ex 34:6; Gen 22:8,14)


 ○     Jesus healed / delivered daughter - did a great thing (29f; Lk 1:49)

A Mom’s Persistence Overcomes Obstacles

 ○     Kentucky woman showed perseverance, creativity in finding treatment for daughter