“Share Good News - by Logic”

Acts 17:22-34 April 15, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Evangelism with Integrity: Find Your Fit

 ○     connotations of ‘evangelist’ not always good
 ○     yet commanded to preach good news to all creation (Mk 16:15)
 ○     God has custom-designed us individually for our part in mission

Paul’s Peculiar Preparation

 ○     specially equipped as “apostle to the Gentiles” / “chosen instrument” (Ac 9:15)
 ○     family, geographical/cultural, religious preparation important (Php 3:5)
 ○     Timothy another example of strategic hybrid (Ac 16:1)
 ○     Lord appoints us as ambassadors to certain people-groups

Spotting the Opportunity

 ○     Base for approach: Cyprus, Antioch, Iconium - Scripture; Paphos - Satan; Lystra - Suffering (Ac 13-14)
 ○     Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens - Scripture; Philippi - Satan, Suffering (Ac 16-17)
 ○     Athens - full of idols, intrigued by latest religious ideas: Spirituality (17:17,19ff)
 ○     making known the solution to their ignorance / groping (17:23,27,30; Jn 1, 17:3,6,26)

A Skilful and Scholarly Scheme

 ○     Paul presents reasonable systematic proposal, with language of logic
 ○     highlights God’s magnitude, all-sufficiency, sovereignty, receptivity (17:24; Ps 115:2-8; 17:25ff)
 ○     commands all everywhere to repent - risen Jesus coming as Judge (17:29ff; Ps 9:8)
 ○     masterful presentation was convincing to some

The Intellectual Evangelism Style

 ○     suits those who are curious, analytical, logical (2Cor 10:5)
 ○     avoid heated arguments; use gentleness & respect (1Peter 3:15)