“Share Good News - by Invitation”

John 4:27-42 March 18, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Breaking the Silence at the Muffler Shop

 ○     tentative attempts at building spiritual bridges
 ○     though first try unfruitful, some connection made

Priority of the Pickings

 ○     Great Commission compels us to witness & make disciples (Mt 28:19f; Lk 24:47f)
 ○     Jesus’ ‘food’ to do Father’s work: harvest for eternal life (4:32,34ff)

Building Bridges

 ○     risking to speak with a poor | immoral | Samaritan | woman (4:27)
 ○     request for drink steered to offer living water of eternal life (4:10,13,15,25)

Invitational Witnessing

 ○     invited townspeople to come check Jesus out (4:28ff)
 ○     invitational style: include others, persuasive, take advantage of outreach events
 ○     1 in 4 unchurched adults would come to church if invited
 ○     be ready to follow-up with spiritually-oriented conversation (1Pet 3:15)

Beyond Second-hand Faith

 ○     Samaritans move from ‘affiliative’ to ‘owned’ faith because meet Jesus themselves (4:39ff)
 ○     woman at the well became a bridge: help others cross to life

Doing God’s Will Outweighs the Risk

 ○     pastoring parents of Canadian soldier understand risks, yet importance of doing God’s will
 ○     obeying God’s will involves us in the harvest of souls