“Slow Down, You Move Too Fast”

Is.58:13-14; Mt.11:25-30 Feb.4, 2007  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Made for Rhythm

 ○     rhythms in music & life have powerful effect
 ○     society so busy we miss out on God’s ‘rest’

Fending Off Freeloaders & Pharisees

 ○     not that work’s a bad thing: avoid idleness (Gen 2:15; Lk 10:7; 1Ti 5:18; 1Th 4:11f; 2Th 3:6-12)
 ○     mistake to be legalistic: Sabbath was made for man (Mk 2:27; Mt 12:8,12)
 ○     Sabbath a ‘heart-attitude’ as well as a day (Mark Buchanan)

Sign of God’s Sovereignty

 ○     God designated day holy because rested from His work (Gen 2:2f; Ex 20:8-11)
 ○     a covenant sign to show God makes His people holy, distinct (Ex 31:12-17)

Employed not Enslaved

 ○     give servants a rest: remember God’s deliverance from slavery (Deut 5:12-15)

Submission Allows Supply

 ○     Creator modeled rhythm of work and being refreshed (Ex 31:17)
 ○     if refrain from just doing as we please, experience God’s joy / feasting (Is 58:13-14)
 ○     after mission venture, amidst busy ministry, Jesus summoned apostles to get away and rest (Mk 6:30-32)
 ○     Heavenly Father sovereign; Son invites the weary to rest, if take His yoke (Mt 11:25-30)

God's Boost for Your Battery

 ○     saved from stalling / flat tires amidst rush hour traffic
 ○     fall of Cat in the Hat parallels busy man slowed down by sickness: give God attention
 ○     significant vision came when Peter seized time to pray (Acts 10:9)
 ○     silence played large role in making of Abraham Lincoln