“Singing Instead of Shame”

Zeph. 3:14-20 Dec.17, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Bah, Humbug...What’s to be Glad About?

 ○     life’s disappointments may make us cynical as Scrooge

God’s Power Turns Back our Enemies

 ○      threat from Assyria / Babylonia; Manasseh’s idolatry (2Chron 33:22ff; 722 - 586 BC)
 ○     “Day of the Lord” bringing destruction for Judah & surrounding nations (1:2,16)
 ○     Lord turns back enemy so no fear; is mighty to save (3:15ff, 19; Neh 2:8)
 ○     Jesus promises will help us overcome this world’s troubles (Jn 16:33; 1Jn 4:4)
 ○     astronaut protected home from media scrutiny, vice-president

God’s Presence Removes our Shame

 ○     Jerusalem’s leaders corrupt but knew no shame; feasts a reproach (3:3f, 18)
 ○     all have sinned, earned death; guilt weighs heavily (Rom 3:23, 6:23; Ps 32:3-5)
 ○     NAE leader shamed by accusations, admission of repulsive behaviour
 ○     “God is with you” to save - justified by Jesus’ redemption (3:15,17; Rom 3:24f; Is 7:14)

God’s Treating Us as Precious Gives Us Hope

 ○     hands ‘hang limp’ in discouragement; feel ‘scattered’ (3:16, 19)
 ○     God takes great delight in / rejoices over His people (3:17)
 ○     Jesus’ word-pictures of a Father happy to have us back, to give us the Kingdom (Lk 12:7,32)
 ○     God gives honour & praise to those who are His (3:19f)

Reason to Rejoice

 ○     Paul urges Philippians to likewise rejoice in the Lord (Php 4:4-7)