“God's Building Program: Ministering the Word of Grace”

Acts 19:8-12; 20:17-20,32-35  Dec.3, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Signs of a Church on the Move

 ○     BC church updating sanctuary in a novel way

1) Apostolic Appointment

 ○     task of testifying to gospel of God’s grace (20:24; Jn 1:14,17)
 ○     sent to ‘go’ and make disciples (Mt 28:19f; Ac 16:16f, 22:21)

2) Constructive Content

 ○      God’s word of grace builds up, gives inheritance (20:32)
 ○     speak boldly about Kingdom; preaching / teaching that is genuinely helpful (19:8; 20:20)

3) Rally to Repentance

 ○     must turn to God, have faith in Jesus (20:21)
 ○     some refused to believe; others confessed, burned sorcery scrolls (19:9ff)

4) Adaptive Attitude (and Strategic Situation)

 ○     relocated from synagogue to school facility (19:9)
 ○     taught publicly & ‘from house to house’ (20:20)
 ○     whole province heard message as a result (19:10)
 ○     ‘ministry centre’, multi-use options so church is ‘open for business’

5) Horizontal Humility

 ○     Paul served ‘with great humility’, didn’t lord it over people’s faith (20:19; 2Cor 1:24)
 ○     design of church building can be user-friendly and welcoming
 ○     multiple worship services show church is ‘here to serve’

6) Material Immunity

 ○     Paul careful not to covet money; scrolls burned though worth millions (20:32; 19:19)
 ○     people’s needs matter more than property: start by analysing community needs
 ○     larger issues than chairs / pews, colours, keyboard / organ

7) Sacrificial Supply

 ○     Paul’s own hands supplied his & others’ needs; work hard to help the weak (20:34f)
 ○     tithing, saving up essential for growing church
 ○     rocks in foundation remind of focus on the lost

Extraordinary Effect

 ○     wonderful healings / deliverances; Jesus’ name held in high honour (19:11f, 20)
 ○     revolutionary impact if churches redirected focus from building to meeting people’s needs in Christ’s name