“Adapting Structures to Address Needs”

Acts 6:1-7 Nov.12, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

From Dissension to Delegation

 ○     complaints, change, and responding creatively
 ○     consequences of early church’s dramatic growth: opposition, jealousy (2:41; 4:4; 5:15ff; 4:3,21; 5:40f)
 ○     problem: Grecian widows overlooked in food distribution (6:1; 1Tim 5:3ff)
 ○     a) responded to the need: as Jesus modeled servanthood (2:45, 4:35; Jn 13:14; Php 2:6ff)
 ○     b) set priorities: not neglect ministry of word (6:2; 1Tim 4:14; 1Cor 12:28)
 ○     c) recognized gifting: selected those full of Holy Spirit & wisdom (6:3,8; Rom 12:6ff)
 ○     d) delegate supportively & organize accordingly: turned responsibility over, laid on hands then ‘hands-off’ (6:3b,6; Titus 1:5)
 ○     Louisiana relief effort experiencing God’s wonderful provision

Using Space Creatively, for God’s Glory & People’s Needs

 ○     Principle of Use: need more space only if fully utilized already
 ○     know your community & its needs
 ○     set priorities - building plan, streamline programming
 ○     recognize calling/gifting: not just filling slots
 ○     creative approaches: team teaching; accessible so ‘open for business’
 ○     growing church members willing to be inconvenienced - without complaining