“God’s Building Project: Living Stones”

1Peter 2:4-12 Nov.5, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Building...an Idol?

 ○     raises questions of worship, response, attachment
 ○     perils of construction: conflict, taxes commitment
 ○     unhealthy attachments to church furnishings
 ○     God forbids making of idols: jealous for our affection (Ex 20:3ff)

Worship - Beyond the Box

 ○     human-made temples not lasting - elements will be destroyed (2:12; 3:10,13)
 ○     God’s design to have people as His indwelt possession (Ex 19:5f; Jer 31:33)
 ○     torn curtain symbolic of believers’ priestly freedom of approach (Mk 15:38; Heb 4:6)
 ○     Jesus ‘living Stone’, chosen, precious; to be trusted in (Is 28:16; Mt 3:17, 17:5; Jn 5:22; Ac 17:31)
 ○     Jesus building His church on basis of confessed belief (Mt 16:16,18; Ps 118:22; Mk 12:10)

Stones that Live: Precious & Praising

 ○     believers living stones - spiritual house; temple in which Spirit dwells; worship anywhere (2:5; 1Cor 3:16; Eph 2:22; Jn 4:21ff)
 ○     church not a building but people - chosen holy nation, God’s own lavishly-loved people (2:9f; Ex 19:5; Titus 2:14; 1Jn 3:1)
 ○     priesthood as worship & ministry: offer spiritual sacrifices - declare, desires, deeds (2:5,9,11f; Ps 50:23; Rom 6:12f, 12:1)

Motivation / Focus: Wanting to Build for the Wrong Reasons

 ○     correct “no” answer to only 1 of 12 questions
 ○     Principle of Focus / motivation: mustn’t shift focus from ministering to people to building a building
 ○     (Q1-3) mistake to expect building to minister: need accompanying outreach training
 ○     (Q4-6) unbiblical to assume building buildings is the work of the church: incessant appeals to pay for mortgage; programs for homeless cut back
 ○     (Q7-8) beware worldly values: big buildings as symbols of success; Kingdom values lead to structure that’s simpler, welcoming, not overpowering

Tools for Ministry

 ○     buildings CAN do some things, just can’t meet non-building needs
 ○     focus on people shapes the building, keeps resources free for church’s real work