“Marching Orders for Disciples”

Mark 6:7-13 October 1, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

A Movement, not a Monument

•     calling together, sending out: more than buildings (6:7)
•     LWCFers taking Word into community in variety of ways
•     shift of focus from one-man ministry to multiplication

The Disciple’s Dependence

•     stretched through service, not a comfortable ‘bump’
•     trust God to provide - not extra food / money / equipment (8-10; Mt 10:10)
•     luxury of N American culture can choke fruitfulness (Mk 4:19)
•     call to follow requires letting go

The Disciple’s Difference

•     won’t necessarily fit in; may be rejected (6:11)
•     warn opponents by shaking dust off feet
•     “Crusader” Ken Campbell suffered much from opposition, defending orthodox morality
•     growing churches are different from culture

The Disciple’s Drive

•     value-added: authority over unclean spirits, heal sick, preach repentance (7,12f)
•     not a service club, but making positive difference, e.g. youth initiatives
•     make message of repentance personal; amend / abhor past sins (12; Mt 10:7)
•     express God’s power, assail hostile powers

Give Me the Soul of That Man

•     multiplication movement: ‘each one reach one’
•     ‘Little’ Thomas Bilney discipled / mentored future Reformation spark plug