“No Fear ‘midst the Fury”

Mark 4:35-41 September 10, 2006  Play AUDIO (mp3)  Play VIDEO (wmv)

Storm-tossed – or Sleeping Peacefully

•     peril from planes and parachutes
•     God waves a flag so we take notice
•     danger in storm-tossed boat and flipping car
•     cancer an example of nature’s corruption

Does God Really Care?

•     all things possible with God - “don’t You care...?” (Mk 10:27; 4:38b)
•     moderns reject interventionist God as offensive to reason
•     Jesus proves He cares by actions, stilling the storm (39)
•     “Who is this?” – only God hushes the waves (Ps 65:5ff; 107:23-30)

Questioning Our Internal Storm

•     fear linked to lack of faith; “tossed by the wind” internally (40; Jas 1:6f)
•     Jesus trusted Father to keep Him safe until the appointed time (Jn 2:4; 7:6,8,30; Mt 26:18; Jn 17:1, Mk 14:41)
•     Paul’s faith, based on vision, gave assurance would outlast gale (Ac 27:20ff)
•         Storm means of testing faith, producing perseverance, maturity (Jas 1:2f)
•     daughter tending dying mother conscious of small mercies, trusting God’s timing