“New Nature, Finer Fruit”

Eph. 4:22-32, 5:1-2,8-10  June 25, 2006  Play audio Play video
Renewal - Outdoors & Internal
*    renewal of physical and spiritual ‘nature’ (1Thess 5:23; Jn 3:3,5; Eph 4:23f; Col 3:10)
*    New creation in Christ; rid of offences, given new heart & spirit (Gal 6:15; 2Cor 5:17; Ezek 11:19; 18:31)
1. Colour
*    green leaf more flourishing than white one
*    not darkened or confused, without sensitivity, but light in the Lord, know truth / right & wrong (Eph 4:17ff; 5:8; 4:21; Jn 18:37)
2. Temperature
*    reproductive drive reflected in heat
*    impure lusts / greed exclude the ungodly from the Kingdom (4:19; 5:5)
*    find out what pleases the Lord, pursue His will (5:10,17)
3. Tender
*    frozen soil tough for roots / fork to use
*    those ignorant of God are separated due to hardened heart, shut mind (4:18)
*    anger / harshness symptomatic of wall up against God, give Devil a foothold (4:26f,31)
*     Jesus absorbed our guilt, blotted out our transgressions (5:2, 4:32, Ps 51:1,9)
4. Aroma
*    difference between flowers and sewage plant
*    old self corrupted, rotten by desires, foul speech (4:22,29)
*    speech ought to be helpful, thankful; fragrant offering (4:29; 5:2,4; 2Cor 2:15f)
5. Fruit
*    darkness fruitless, shameful, leads to ruin (5:11f, 18)
*    new self fruit good, right, true; overflow of good heart (4:24,28f; 5:1f,9; Mt 12:33ff)