“A Mother’s Persistence Pays Off”

Mt.15:21-28   Mother's Day  May 14, 2006  Play audio

The Importance of a Mother’s Legacy

•     appreciating mom: expensive impact
•     key to understanding women
•     Winston Churchill’s greatest teacher

A Mother’s Angst

•     Canaanite woman’s daughter severely tormented by a demon (22)
•     requests help for herself too – affected, identifying (25)
•     persistent: kept crying out (23)
•     mothering a family like running a train (Stuart McLean)
•     driven in desperation to kneel / worship (Job 1:20)
•     Stasi Eldredge felt rejected; hid, destructive drinking / drugs

Feisty Faith Rewarded

•     Jesus sent to Israel, shouldn’t toss children’s bread to dogs; testing (26; Rom 15:8; Jn 6:6)
•     ‘Even dogs eat crumbs’ reveals faith-inspire grace mindset (27; Mk 10:27)
•     reflects Old Testament prophecies of Gentiles turning to the Lord (Gen 12:3; Ps 22:27)
•     possible encouragement to Christ after being rejected by Jews (13:57; 14:10ff; 15:2; 16:4)
•     ‘Great faith’ remarked upon, daughter healed (28)

Nothing In Between

•     Stasi Eldredge realized made mother feel same way, needed to apologize
•     repentance, forgiveness led to precious re-connection, healing

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