“Where Did Jesus Go?”

Ps 110; Ac 10:34-43  April 16, 2006  Play audio

Peek - Popular or Problem?

•     fun with baby extends to other games
•     may seem God is hiding through hardships

A Misfit Psalm

•     extension of might applies to Solomon’s situation (1-3)
•     priestly function points more to Messiah than any Israelite king (4; 2Chron 16:16ff; 1Kings 11:9ff,33)
•     Jesus, Peter viewed Psalm as Messianic (Mt 22:43ff; Ac 2:34ff)

Power at God’s Right Hand

•     Jesus ascended to place of authority with the Father (1; Jn 20:17; Ac 7:56)
•     enemies made a footstool, will judge the nations (1f, 5f; Josh 10:24; Rev 19:19; 1Co 15:25)
•     God anointed Jesus with power, stronger than devil, commands as Lord of all (Ac 10:38,42, 36)

Priest Atoning for Our Sin

•     power different from earthly tyrants who exercise authority destructively (Mk 10:42ff)
•     Jesus’ pattern that of Melchizedek: peace, righteousness, not according to ancestry (4; Gen 14:18; Heb 5:6; 7:16f)
•     ordinary human priests ineffective to combat habitual sin
•     Jesus’ power in serving, giving life as ransom, doing good, healing, forgiving sins (Mk 10:45; Ac 10:38,43)
•     our mediator to God, not living secret mediocre life as in Gnostic fiction (1Tim 2:5f; Rom 8:34; Lk 22:32; Heb 7:25; 1Jn 2:1)

Open Up Your Trunk

•     need to be open before Judge of all who knows our thoughts (Ps 139:1ff; Ac 10:42)
•     blessing of Japanese new cars “religious insurance”
•     be open, let the real Powerful Priest clean up and bless your life

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