“Has God Forsaken Those who Suffer?”

Psalm 22  April 9, 2006 Palm/Passion Sunday  Play video

Insufficient Faith?

•     ‘Name and claim’ when unwell: Jesus healed ‘all’, Lord ‘will’ raise up (Mt 8:16f; Jas 5:13f)
•     illness associated with Satan; ‘abuse’ for a father to discipline with cancer? (Mt 12:22; 17:14ff; Job 1-2)
•     God able to heal, but not all healed by Jesus or apostles (Mk 10:27; Jn 5:1-9; Ac 19:12; Php 2:25; 2Tim 4:20; 1Tim 5:23)
•     how to ask God for help without presuming or demanding

From Prayer to Praise in the Pit

•     Distance: God seems far off; no answer (1f)
•     Distress: Despised, scorned, insulted, snubbed (6f)
•     Dismembered: bones out of joint, hands & feet pierced (as on cross; 14,16ff)
•     torn by wild bulls, dogs, lions (12f, 16, 20f)

Re-framing: History & Hope

•     “Yet / but” signal broader perspective (3,9,19)
•     History & Memory: God’s help corporately & personally in the past (3ff, 9f)
•     verse 24 summary of Psalm: God heeds the suffering of the afflicted
•     Trust & Hope: commitment to God’s vision for blessing in future (22,25ff)
•     acknowledge God’s Rule & Righteousness: all under control, for just purposes (10, 19, 28, 30f)
•     sinless Jesus dying on cross effects righteousness for those yet unborn (Rom 1:17)

From Grim Injury to Glorious Intruder

•     Packer: God’s happiness not complete until His loved ones are out of trouble
•     Joni: questioning turned to trust, dependence on Jesus paralyzed by nails
•     God helps bear the test; rely on Christ’s power in our weakness (1Cor 10:13; 2Cor 1:8f, 12:9f)

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