“What Can Overcome God's Anger?”

Psalm 103  March 12, 2006  Play audio

Frozen Hearts, Increasingly Cold-blooded

•     crimes disturbing, especially parents vs. children
•     rejection of God leads to ruthlessness, brutality (Rom 1:28ff; 2Tim 3:1ff)

God’s Permanence and Pre-eminence – We Perish

•     sovereign placement over all creation, including hosts of heaven (19ff; Mt 26:53)
•     God’s love with those who fear Him always; humans short-lived (15ff)
•     even John Wayne irritated by effect of aging

God’s Righteous Wrath and Marvelous Mercy

•     Psalm 103 a portrait of God’s qualities not appearance
•     anger may have positive role in connection with godly jealousy (2Cor 11:2; 12:21; Ps 4:4; Eph 4:26)
•     God’s jealousy a sign of His caring; disobedience sparks anger (Ex 20:5, 34:14; Deut 6:15; Ezek 16:42)
•     not just OT aspect: God’s wrath against modern wickedness (Rom 1:18, 2:5,8)
•     slow to anger, not repaying us for iniquities - because Christ died for ungodly (6,8ff; Rom 5:6,8f)
•     spiritual benefits: removed transgressions, rich in love, compassionate as father for children (3-5,8,11-13; Mk 1:41; Lk 19:42)
•     physical benefits: healing, renewing our youth

Remember His Ways

•     need to ‘forget not’ God’s benefits, remember to obey (2,18)
•     volunteer overcame dislike of nursing home ministry
•     became Jesus’ stand-in holding hand of elderly gentleman

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