“No Fear in God's Fold”

Psalm 23 March 5, 2006  Play audio

Nothing to Fear But...

•     dangers, stress, tests cause anxiety
•     more subtle fear of wasting life


•     not in want: lush meadows (1f)
•     makes a table ready; feast of rich food for all, abundantly (5; Is 25:6; Jn 10:10)


•     makes lie down, quiet waters; His guiding (2; Lk 1:79)
•     peace comes when present our requests to God (Col 3:15; Php 4:6f)


•     Lord restores / renews; goodness chases us (3,6; 51:10,12; 85:6)
•     restored Samson after failure and capture (Judges 16:28)


•     comforted in valley of shadow of death by Shepherd’s presence, rod, staff (4)
•     Palestinian shepherds looked more like warriors than placid
•     God can be gentle, OR deal with troublesome sheep (Is 40:11; Ezek 34:12)
•     protected as long as stay close by


•     honoured by table set, anointing in front of enemies (5; 31:19)
•     anointing with Holy Spirit teaches us to hear His voice (1Jn 2:27)


•     Shepherd is with us, despite dangers (4; Is 41:10; Is 43:2; Ac 18:9f)
•     will dwell in Lord’s house forever: a place prepared for us (6; Jn 14:1ff)

Future Consideration

•     40 days Biblical though Lent not, strictly speaking (Ez 24:18; Kings 19:8; Mt 4:2)
•     time to reflect on fears, priorities, preparedness for dying
•     Spurgeon: death not house but porch; where shadow, must be light

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