“New Creatures & Commission”

2Cor.5:14-21 Feb.26, 2006  Play audio

The Cross-Roads of Justice and Costly Mercy

•     justice, love foundational attributes of God (Ps 101:1; Hos 12:6; Lk 11:42; Ps 33:5, 89:14; Is 16:5; Hos 2:19)
•     justice appreciated when offers protection from dangerous offenders
•     kindness of Norwegian coach helped Canadians, cost own team dearly
•     dilemma for ‘just’ God to relate to sinners (Rom 3:23; Eph 2:1ff)
•     reconciliation = Great Exchange of Christ’s righteousness for our sin (5:18ff; Jn 8:46; 1Pe 2:22; Heb 4:15; 1Jn 3:5)
•     driving out sacrificial animals, turning tables on money-changers highly significant act leading to Jesus’ death (Mk 11:15; Mt 21:12; Lk 19:45; cf Jn 2:14; Heb 9:12)
•     God’s justice required substitution/atonement of holy Son for guilty humans (Jn 11:50; Gal 3:13; Rom 3:25f)

New Motive and Mission

•     Who’s in charge & how: live for Him now, bodies yielded (Mk 15:34; 5:14f; Rom 6:12ff)
•     fear the Lord, compelled by Christ’s love (5:10f, 14)
•     How we view others: not in worldly way, or prejudiced (5:16; Gal 3:28)
•     How we reach out to others: commissioned for ministry of reconciliation (5:18ff; 6:1f; Lk 2:49; Jn 5:17, 6:38)

Ambassador’s Tools that Work

•     lapel pin for Zig Ziglar makes others curious
•     ALPHA prompted big change for Toronto marketer

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