“Supernatural Splendour in Chipped China”

2Cor.4:1-11,16-18  February 12, 2006  Play audio

The Glory and the Grind

•     snow so beautiful also a bother
•     some days, setbacks make daily grind without visible progress

Clay Pots with New Life Inside

•     discouragement when others seem blind to the Good News (4)
•     pressures, knocked down, dangers & hardships for Paul (8-11; 11;26f)
•     abused as apostle, effects of death on body (10,16)
•     glory of New Covenant shown in Christ (3:10; 4:4; Jn 14:9; Heb 11:3)
•     Lord’s glory reflecting through us as mirrors (3:18; 6:22)
•     momentary troubles producing eternal glory that outweighs trials by far (17)
•     treasure in clay jars shows it’s from God, not us (7,11)
•     keen teacher, eager gang members rejected for imperfections

Look Up, Don’t Give Up

•     don’t lose heart because of God’s mercy & resurrection power (1,14,16)
•     Edmonton songwriter / realtor used significantly after rough start
•     Jesus Lord, us servants for His sake

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